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State & Local

Indivisible States: Giving Public Testimony at A Legislative Hearing

Public testimony at a hearing is the opportunity to be heard directly by the decision makers and potentially influence the outcome of votes. This is an incredibly powerful way to shape the outcome of policy and to share your group’s perspectives on a piece of legislation. 

Prioritizing State Issues to Work On

In any given state legislative session, hundreds or thousands of bills may be moving at the same time. A big challenge for new state advocates can be simply choosing what legislation to work on when it’s impossible to work on everything.

Indivisible States: How State Legislatures Work

States are critical to restoring our democratic institutions. Our new guide, Indivisible in the States, outlines strategies and tactics for how states can both resist Trump and pass bold, progressive policies.

Indivisible States: Summary

States are critical to restoring our democratic institutions. Our new guide, Indivisible in the States, outlines strategies and tactics for how states can both resist Trump and pass bold, progressive policies.